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Perfectionism in females who had a difficult relationship with their mothers

Perfectionism in females who had a difficult relationship with their mothers


Perfectionism is a common personality trait that many people, particularly women, struggle with. It is a trait that is often associated with high levels of achievement and success, but it can also be a double-edged sword. People who are perfectionists are often their own worst critics, and they can be incredibly hard on themselves when they don't meet their own high standards. This can lead to a range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and even eating disorders.

One group of people who are particularly susceptible to perfectionism are women who had a difficult relationship with their mothers. This is because the relationship between a mother and daughter is one of the most important relationships in a woman's life, and a difficult relationship with one's mother can have long-lasting effects on a woman's self-esteem and self-worth.

Online Therapy – How Effective Is It, Really?

Online Therapy – How Effective Is It, Really?


Want to try counselling or psychotherapy, but putting it off because you are travelling too much with work? Or not sure if there’s a move in your future? With the advent of online therapy, such excuses are now outdated.

A qualitative study...

A qualitative study of the use of Skype for psychotherapy consultations in the Ukraine

There has been rather limited use of Skype for health and medical purposes. We investigated the use of Skype for delivering psychotherapy services in the Ukraine. A provider questionnaire was distributed to all delegates (n = 50) at the Annual Symposium of Psychotherapists. 

The majority of clients and providers showed high satisfaction with the use of Skype for psychotherapy services.

Abstract from:
EDIRIPPULIGE, S., LEVANDOVSKAYA, M. & PRISHUTOVA, A. 2013. A qualitative study of the use of Skype for psychotherapy consultations in the Ukraine. J Telemed Telecare, 19, 376-8.




by Cedric Speyer & Jason Zack


"Telepresence" is "the illusion that a mediated experience is not mediated" (Lombard & Ditton, 1997), the feeling of being in someone’s presence without sharing a physical space. When online counseling is at its best, and the positive conditions are in place, clients and therapists experience telepresence and are not only able to interact effectively, but engage in relationships that can offer something special indeed. Believe it or not, experiencing the online other as a genuine, caring person is not as difficult as it might seem.

Choosing the right therapist. Look for understanding, not hype

Choosing the Right Therapist. Look for understanding, not hype 

by Jonathan Shedler PhD, 2013


So how do you choose a therapist? You steer clear of ideologues and experts-at-everything. You don’t search far and wide for a therapist who specializes in people with exactly your problem because there are no other people with exactly your problem. When you meet, notice whether the therapist seems more interested in you or your diagnosis. Notice whether the therapist invites you to think together about what is really the matter. Notice whether the two of you are able to develop a shared understanding of what is the matter that rings true to you, that was not already evident to you. The last part may take a few meetings but the trajectory should be moving in that direction from the beginning. If all of these ingredients are there, you’ve probably found a good one.


Computer-Mediated Counseling

Computer-Mediated Counseling

An Empirical Study of a New Mental Health Treatment

by Gary E. Cohen MC & Barbara A. Kerr PhD


Although several mental health professionals now offer counseling via the Internet, little empirical research exists on how this mode of delivery impacts clients. The current study compares the effects of computer-mediated counseling and traditional face-to-face counseling on anxiety and attitudes toward counseling. While clients demonstrated a significant decrease in anxiety following each mode of delivery, their anxiety was not significantly impacted by the mode of delivery they received. In addition, participants' ratings of counselors on expertness, attractiveness, and trustworthiness were not affected by mode of delivery. These findings warrant further exploration of how computer-mediated counseling might be effectively used as an alternative or an adjunct to face-to-face counseling.

Choosing an Online Therapist: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Professional Help on the Web

Choosing an Online Therapist: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Professional Help on the Web

by Gary S. Stofle


In an easy-to-read and concise format, the author walks consumers through the steps to decide if online therapy is a good choice for them, and if so, what to look for in an online therapist. His easy-to-use charts will help readers organize their research and be on their way to a successful online therapy experience in no time!

Read this book to find out:

• what online therapy is all about

• when this mode of therapy is appropriate and when it’s not

• credentials and characteristics that consumers should look for when choosing an online therapist

• what to expect when online therapy begins

• how to end therapy when the time is right


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